Friday, May 22, 2020

Spanish Verbs Meaning to Begin

Spanish has two everyday verbs that can be used for to begin or to start: empezar and comenzar. They usually can be used interchangeably. Although empezar is more common than comenzar, comenzar doesnt come across as conspicuously formal like its English cognate, commence. Both empezar and comenzar are conjugated irregularly. Correct Way to Use Empezar and Comenzar To say to begin to do something, you can use either of the verbs followed by the preposition a and an infinitive: El web empieza a generar dinero. The website is beginning to generate money. ¿A quà © hora empezà ³ a nevar? At what time did it begin to snow?Cuando llegamos a Quito, comenzaba a llover. When we arrived at Quito, it was beginning to rain.Uruguay comienza a estudiar la produccià ³n de energà ­a nuclear. Uruguay is beginning to study the production of nuclear energy.Empiezo a pensar por ti mismo. I am beginning to think just like you.La inflacià ³n va a empezar muy pronto a bajar. Inflation is going to begin to drop very soon. Each verb can stand by itself without an object: La lluvia empieza a caer mà ¡s y mà ¡s fuerte. The rain is beginning to fall harder and harder.El mitin comenzà ³ finalmente a las 10 de la noche. The meeting finally began at 10 p.m.Bueno, pues sà ­, empezamos con esto. Good, then, lets get started with it. (Literally, with this.)La boda comenzarà ¡ a las 12:30 hora local. The wedding will begin at 12:30 local time. When either verb is followed by a gerund, it often has the meaning of to begin by or to start out: Empezà ³ estudiando en el taller del escultor famoso. She started out studying in the famous sculptors studio.Comencà © trabajando 10 horas por dà ­a como limpiadora de casa. I started out working 10 hours per day as a housecleaner.Empezamos corriendo juntos el primer kilà ³metro. We begin by running the first kilometer together. Although probably not as common as in English, the two verbs can also take direct objects to indicate what is getting started: Tiene muchos consejillos para comenzar un negocio. He has many tips for starting a business.La ciudad empezà ³ la reparacià ³n de la calles en abril. The city began the street repairs in April. Other Verbs for To Begin As just shown, you often can use the verbs to refer to beginning an activity with the activity as the object of the verb. But it is also common to use the verb emprender for that purpose. Emprender is especially common when referring to the beginning of travel. No quiere emprender la tarea sin ayuda. He doesnt want to do the task without help.Dentro de unos minutos emprendo el viaje. Within a few minutes I begin the trip.Emprendieron el reto de construir un proyecto conjunto. They began the challenge of building a project together.Emprendà ­ el vuelo en direccià ³n hacia donde el sol se pone. I began the flight in the direction of the sunset. The verb originarse often translates to begin when it is used to mean to originate: El problema se originaba cuando navegaba ciertas pà ¡ginas web. The problem started when I was going to certain web pages.La crisis econà ³mica mundial se originà ³ en EEUU. The world economic crisis began in the U.S. Use of Verb Tense To Indicate Beginning Often, when speaking of events in the past, the preterite tense is used in preference to the imperfect to indicate that an activity began. A form of begin isnt necessarily used in translation, however. A common example is the verb conocer, which often means to know a person. The difference between Conocà ­a a Katrina and Conocà ­ a Katrina is roughly the difference between I knew Katrina and I began to know Katrina. Typically, the second sentence would be translated as I met Katrina. Other examples: Yo tenà ­a calor. (I was warm.) Tuve calor. (I began to be warm. I got warm.)Ella sabà ­a la verdad. (She knew the truth.) Supo la verdad. (She began knowing the truth. She found out the truth.) This concept is further explained in the lesson on using the past tense with certain verbs.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Film Analysis Slacker 1991 - 1188 Words

â€Å"Slacker† (1991) is an independent film by director â€Å"Richard Linklater†. Its a character-based fiction, structured with many individual scenes forming a feature film without an apparent narrative. The film is portraying bits of everyday life of several eccentric people in Austin, Texas. The film is built up in a way that every scene presents new characters, and after the scene is over you will never see the same characters again. The camera floats from scene to scene by following different characters from one location to another. Like normal three-act-structured films, â€Å"Slacker† has no protagonist to lead a plot line. Its therefore no plot to connect the scenes to each other, creating many individual scenes with their own†¦show more content†¦He is constantly talking to the driver about his thoughts of alternate realities. â€Å"Its like every decision you make... the thing you choose not to do, fractions off and becomes its own reality, you know...† This scene is held in only one shot of both Linklaters character and the cabdriver. Linklater is continuously talking about one subject throughout the drive. And because the scene is never cut to a close-up or escalates through editing, I feel like we are never introduced to something within the character, unlike films with a more apparent narrative. In a conventional three-act-structured film, the scenes are often built up differently. I have chosen a scene from George Clooneys â€Å"The Ides of March (2011)†. The editing pattern of this scene is rather common. It starts of with an establishing shot of the characters in the scene. In this case, this shot is held until the conversation starts being personal. As the scene escalates and intensifies the scene is cut into ultra close-ups of both the characters. In this case the scene is never cut back to the establishing shot, which often is the case. â€Å"The Place Beyond The Pines† Is a feature film by Derek Cianfrance. The storyline is linear, but focuses on different protagonists throughout the film. It starts off with one main character, who has his own narrative. Later in the film we are introduced toShow MoreRelatedMe and You and Memento and Fargo by J.J. Murphy1640 Words   |  7 Pagesnarrative is vital, whether it be in films, books, theatre, etc. It is a frame for a story to work within. While there is a traditional method and formula to structuring a film narrative, filmmakers all over the world have experimented with breaking the norm and trying new ways to structure a film. It tested the viewer’s notion of what structure is and how a narrative can be told. It was also new and something that audiences were not used to. Even now, a film that moves too far away from theRead More Capitalism, Marketing, and the Insidious and Covert Co-optation of the Self6482 Words   |  26 Pageshappen. The transaction is not complete until the reality of bifurcation has been erased or denied to the subject, victim, or consumer. It is not just the abuse that destroys the consciousness, but the denial. The inversion of surveillance (Halleck, 1991) of popular video that occurred when civilian George Halliday turned his camcorder on the LAPD as they beat Rodney King represents the overturning of this denial. As Kings writhing brown body was broadcast internationally via cable and satellite transmissionsRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pages441 441 CASE STUDIES A summary of the case analysis I N T R O D U C T I O N Preparing an effective case analysis: The full story Hearing with the aid of implanted technology: The case of Cochlearâ„ ¢ – an Australian C A S E O N E high-technology leader Delta Faucet: Global entrepreneurship in an emerging market C A S E T W O DaimlerChrysler: Corporate governance dynamics in a global company C A S E T H R E E Gunns and the greens: Governance issues in Tasmania C A S E F O U R Succeeding in the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Career Interest Profile Free Essays

My impenitence of researching, straightening, coping with pressure, applying expertise, logical thinking, and leading are consistent with my profile. The researching means I have the ability to get up to speed quickly when presented with new information and tasks. It allows me to support my opinions with evidence. We will write a custom essay sample on Career Interest Profile or any similar topic only for you Order Now My ability to produce focused and detailed plans while ensuring I see the big picture are in agreement with straightening. M very comfortable with data, identifying patterns, and getting to the root cause f problems by asking the right questions that support my logical thinking. Applying expertise is my understanding of how things work and the capability to effectively implement the use of every tool at my disposal in order to get things done more efficiently. Coping with pressure simply means I can stay on task and be positive through any situation. Together, all the competencies I have described support my capacity of leading. I enjoy coaching mentoring, ND developing individuals by providing clear direction, purpose, and motivation. My work culture preferences are high powered, teamwork centered, and ethical. These correlate to my career interests and competencies in many ways. The teamwork centered culture requires working in a close knit team which is interconnected with enterprising and social individuals with most if not all my competencies. In addition, the ethical preference relates to leading by setting the appropriate standards of behaviors. How to cite Career Interest Profile, Papers