Friday, November 29, 2019

Kadeejah Johnson Essays (581 words) - Human Development,

Kadeejah Johnson Professor A. Baker Chapter 12 8 April, 2016 Chapter 12: Emotional and Social Development in Adolescence Chapter 12: Review (page 321) List personal and contextual factors that promote identity development. Personal and contextual factors that promote identity development are the personality characteristics, parenting practices, interaction with diverse peers through school and community activities , schools and communities, and lastly societal forces. These things are set for them to explore or identify themselves based on how they view themselves and their actions. When the parents are involved in their child's actively they are then influenced and attached to their parents, and in their own opinions they are active in their lives. The interaction with diverse peers allows them to open up to the idea that peop le are all different. Many of those who have friends that are from other countries are involved in exploring relationship issues. School communities allow students to explore the supportive experience included within the classroom, and promotes a high level of thinking. Chapter 12: Apply (page 321) Return to the conversation between Louis and Daryl in the opening of this chapter. Which identity status best characterizes each of the two boys, and why? The identity status that best characterizes each of the two boys is identity foreclosure because each of them look for the self-endearment of actually exploring new things and having the openness to try different things. They are struggling to identify the commitment in the absence of exploration. Although both of them want to experience these things they also have the openness to explore other cultures. In many cases they will have the option after they graduate to explore those options. Chapter 12: Apply (page 328) Tam grew up in a small village culture, Lydia in a large industrial city. At age 15, Tam reasons at Kohlberg's Stage 3, Lydia at Stage 4. What factors might account for the difference? Tam reasoning at Stage 3 than Lydia's Stage 4 is because of the moral issues that they both have experienced coming from different stages. Their level of reasoning is remotely different because they are thoroughly and their immediate response to their difference is almost interchangeable. Even in the Kohlberg stage they are constructing a deeper understanding of fairness and justice. This guides both of them that their moral action should remain powerfully influential. They will influence each other based only on the fact that they are from different areas and their morals. Chapter 12: Review (page 334) Describe the distinct positive functions of friendships, cliques, and crowds in adolescence. What factors lead some friendships and peer-group ties to be harmful? The distinct positive functions of friendships, cliques, and crowds in adolescence is that each of them stand for different things and they are organized based on the personalities. Some of them are different because some of them may be the bullied group, but they stick together in order to feel a level of protection. In the year of adolescence majority of the time they tend to stick in groups in order to establish popularity, and in most cases to feel secure and not left out when there are issues amongst other groups. Some factors that lead to some friendships and peer-groups is tied to be harmful because when they get bigger, and other groups form, there would be a case of which is better.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hegelian Idealism Sparked a Revolution

Hegelian Idealism Sparked a Revolution Free Online Research Papers Hegelian idealism sparked a revolution in philosophical thought. According to our readings, The Power of Ideas, the response to Hegelian idealism on the European continent was quite different, and is known as Continental philosophy. Within Continental philosophy there are various schools of thought who include existentialism and phenomenology. This essay will describe the historical development of Continental philosophy’s existentialism and phenomenology as a response to Hegelian idealism. Historically, both existentialism and phenomenology have roots that can be traced back to pre Socratic philosophies. â€Å"Each school of though has influenced the other to such an extent that two of the most famous and influential Continental philosophers of this century, Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre, are important figures in both movements†(). Existentialism has several main themes. First, existentialism believes the world is absurd and irrational and that no real explanation can be given for why it is the way it is. Also that philosophy is centralized to whatever experience every individual has with the world. â€Å"Traditional and academic philosophy is sterile and remote from the concerns of real life†(), Finally, every single individual chooses their own destiny and how they choose to live in this irrational world. Hegelian idealism was opposed by many 19th century philosophers. Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Soren Kierkegaard were all opponents to these Hegelian beliefs. They believed it was impossible for an individual to find the purpose of their living. To them, the universe and everything in it is rarely rational, and any types of philosophies that attempt to make the universe rational are hopeless attempts to overcome pessimism and despair. Beginning with Soren Kierkegaard, lets explore some of the beliefs and views of these three influential philosophers as they relate to Hegelian idealism. Soren Kierkegaard disagreed with Hegel’s system. Personally, Kierkegaard emphasized individuality and the will and need to make important choices. He placed emphasis of the individual’s capabilities to control their actions and choices and also that humans could only find respite through commitment to God and the infinite. This was the only thing that could save a person from despair. According to Kierkegaard, the purpose of philosophy was to speak to the anguished individual who is forced to live in an irrational world and to make decisions being in that world. Arthur Schopenhauer was filled with pessimistic views on life and humanity. He believed that human’s capacity to reason was a result of any impulsive action as a way of rationalization. He also disagreed with Hegel’s system and developed a theory that will, physically manifesting all phenomena lead to accomplishment of everything. Friedrich Nietzsche was influenced by the readings of Schopenhauer and also disagreed with Hegel’s idealism. However, he did disagree with Schopenhauer’s view on cosmic will. To Nietzsche, the world is driven by the will-to-power. He believed that Western society had become mundane. Basically, people had become too willing to do as they were told and were enslaved to the ideas of saying no to life and embracing lives devoid of joy. It was his personal beliefs that only the Superman was capable of escaping this trivial life. This Superman embraces the will-to-power and is able to create, rather than discover. God is dead according to Nietzsche. Only the meek and compassionate worship God as their source of values. Research Papers on Hegelian Idealism Sparked a RevolutionAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeQuebec and CanadaGenetic Engineering19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicBringing Democracy to AfricaHip-Hop is ArtBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito

Friday, November 22, 2019

Romeo and Juliet movie (NOT the Leonardo Dicaprio version) Essay

Romeo and Juliet movie (NOT the Leonardo Dicaprio version) - Essay Example The freshness and youthfulness of the performance of the leading characters had brought a different light to the story. The plot of the original work by Shakespeare had been meant to be young, but other movie adaptations had failed to capture the said youthful character. The plot of the story was the best impression of the Shakespeare’s work. Capturing the essence of the plot can be considered as an important achievement of the film because it is very seldom that written literary works can be successfully adapted to film due to different factors such as limitations in the film genre and the subjectivity of the interpretation of the production team, especially the director and the script writer. The most important focus of the paper though is the message of the film. The message of the story of Romeo and Juliet both in the written form and in the film is the power of love. Basically, the story showed the different types of love. Love of the family and love between the two lover s, Romeo and Juliet had been the force that stirred and moved the film. The love of the family can be observed in every member of each family. The conflict between the two families started due to the intention to protect their loved ones. For Romeo and Juliet though, the main driving force had been the love they had for each other.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Globalization in China as it relates to MacroEconomics Essay

Globalization in China as it relates to MacroEconomics - Essay Example (U.S. Commercial Service) China has been doing an admirable job of attracting foreign direct Investment (FDI), which has made it a powerful force to reckon with in the World Economic scene. In 2004, China kept its place as one of the top two destinations in the world of FDI adding $64 billion. Over $564 billion of FDI has been invested in China since it opened to the world in 1979.Executives overwhelmingly consider China to be the undisputed top FDI destination for the third year in a row in 2004. About 40% of global investors expressed a more positive outlook on China's economy, four times the number of executives who had a dimmer view of China. The path to economic liberalization has been a difficult but fruitful one for China. It has triumphed due to its determination and commitment to open up its markets to foreign investors. A Business Week article in 2001 stated that "after two decades of steady but halting reforms, Beijing is now racing to dismantle the last vestiges of a command economy". Let us trace the FDI history in China. Since late 1978, China has carried out massive economic reforms in an effort to restructure its economy to be more market oriented. FDI was one of the primary goals of its reforms. The government has over the years slowly liberalized the restrictions on FDI to gain technology transfer, modern management skills and foreign exchange. The government's first move to entice FDI was taken in 1979 with the Equity Joint Venture Law. This law allowed the legal entry of FDI and provided a statutory basis for the establishment of joint ventures in China. But Investment was allowed in only designated Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and was encouraged via tax incentives. As investments grew, additional laws were required. In 1983 another law was issued which provided greater details on all joint ventures in FDI. The government also expanded the SEZs in 1984.Then it passed Foreign Exchange Balance Provisions and Encouragement provisions in 1986, which facilitated FDI and allowed firms to solve fore ign exchange problems. (Jun Fu, November 2000). In 1994, China conducted a new round of FDI reforms. It abolished the official exchange rate and adopted a market rate. It also abolished the exchange quota retention system. In 1996, the government adopted IMF article A that removed all restrictions on foreign exchange transactions. All these reforms went a long way to boost investor confidence. In the November 1999 US-China WTO Accession Agreement, China agreed to several ground breaking reforms. (Sandra Berkun, 2001). Some of them were: China will phase in trading rights and distribution services over three years, and open up sectors relating to distribution services such as repair and maintenance, warehousing, trucking and air-courier services (US-China Business Council). China committed to allow FDI in its telecommunications industry. Increased access in banking, insurance and securities will be phased in the next five years resulting in full market access in all activities and regions. China also promised national treatment for foreign banks and minority ownership in domestic security firms and more insurance businesses.(Lardy ,1998) Increased access for professional services including accounting, consulting, engineering, medical and Information Technology. (Lardy,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Politics course work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Politics course work - Essay Example The main principles of the cabinet government are as follows. The monarch (Queen Elizabeth II) has the power to appoint or dismiss any ministers to the government, although this is usually done ‘on the advice of the Prime Minister’ (Heyward, 2008, p20), meaning that the monarch has very little political influence. When these changes are made, this is referred to as a reshuffle, something which generally happens on a yearly basis. The cabinet are generally chosen from the current Prime Minister’s own political party, with the shadow cabinet – those who hold a corresponding role to those in the cabinet – being formed of the official opposition (the largest non-Governmental party, currently the Labour Party) (Heyward, 2008, p17). The various titles and duties held by the members of the cabinet (and the corresponding shadow cabinet) change depending on the demands of the UK population and the views of the currently elected premier. The currently appointe d cabinet government have weekly meetings to discuss potential and actual policy changes. These weekly meetings have ensured that the Institute of Government see the cabinet government as having a reduced capacity as a decision-making body (Blick & Jones, 2010, p97) due to their infrequency and short length. Despite this, however, it is the cabinet that makes policy decisions and thus hold all responsibility for these decisions. The various ministers and secretaries within the cabinet must exhibit public support for the decisions made for the government and all policy choices must be made collectively. In practise, many decisions can be and are delegated to the sub-committees of the cabinet, such as education, who carry out all research, present findings and seriously influence the final choice of the governmental cabinet (Heyward, 2008, p14). As previously mentioned, the cabinet is generally chosen from members of the current Governmental party, such as the Labour Party under Tony Blair (Kavanagh et al., 2006, pp32-34). The current Governmental party is chosen using the first-past-the-post system – the party with the most seats gains power, despite how many votes they may have in total. This system requires that the winning party holds at least 326 seats in Parliament to hold a majority, or else a hung parliament will occur. In the event of a hung parliament, it is necessary to create a coalition government of two or more political parties so that the total number of seats held by these parties totals at least 326. In the case of the 2010 elections, the Conservative Party won 306 seats and formed a coalition with the Liberal Democrats, who won 57 seats, giving a total of 363 seats. The shadow cabinet is thus formed from members of the Labour Party, who hold a total number of 258 seats (BBC News, 2010). The creation of this coalition government means that the current cabinet is formed from members of both the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. There are 18 cabinet ministers or secretaries from the Conservative Party and 5 from the Liberal Democrats (BBC News, 2010). This ratio must be maintained throughout Cameron’s premiership – if a Liberal Democrat leaves cabinet, another must be appointed in their place (Daily Telegraph, 2010). The traditional role of Prime Minister has also been affected – David Cameron currently holds the office, but Nick

Saturday, November 16, 2019

People Learn in Different Ways

People Learn in Different Ways We are faced with a lot of different learning experiences, which has greater impacts than others in our lives and one can chalk this down to the learning approach this is the process where individuals define information about their environment and has a different learning style, and by this I mean the way in which they absorb, analyze, and retain information which makes every one of us unique in our own special way. All individuals learn differently, some by stimulation of their five senses, and when enhanced greater learning takes place. Every individual has a method by which they learn; therefore one persons way of learning is very different from that of their peers. Understanding the learning approach of individuals consists of the question, what is a learning approach? which is the preferred way of acquiring knowledge and processing information. This approach affects how we learn, solve problems, partake in different activities and react to the environment. The original research work to the approaches of learning was carried out by F. Marton and R. Saljo (1976),where they explored an individuals approach to learning and identified two main approaches: surface and deep. Surface learning is the silent acceptance of information, memorization and unlinked facts which leads to superficial memory. Whereas deep learning involves critical analysis of new ideas, and principles, leading to the understanding and long term memory of concepts which is used for problem solving. The basis of this understanding is to identify the individual with a fixed approach to learning and an opportunity to encourage that individual to adopt a particular learning approach. Most of us are easily confused with the difference between learning and acquiring knowledge, they are different; learning is the continuous process of addition, and acquiring knowledge is memory, an idea stored up as experience. Learning as the cognitive process of acquired change in behavior, results from a learners interaction with the environment which brings about experience. Learning is the acquiring of new knowledge, skills, values, preferences and understanding. It also strengthens, organize and shape our brains. Learning effectively entails the possession four abilities: concrete experience; reflective observation; abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. These styles were developed to challenge an individuals mode of learning that seeks to reduce the potential of their intelligence. There is a lot of information about how one learns and many of us understand that each individual learns differently or has a preference to learning. David A. Kolb (1984), a pioneer in this field of experiential learning, created four learning elements and states we learn by following this cycle. Honey and Mumford (1992), defined four styles based around these four stages of Kolbs learning cycle, and these styles were developed to challenge an individuals mode of learning. Depending on an individuals preference, they are classified as: Reflectors are substituted for divergent (reflective observation), these are people who are thoughtful analyzers of situations, they listen to others before speaking, collect data and analyze before making decisions. Theorists are substituted for assimilator (abstract conceptualization), these people are objective rather than subjective, they collect, analyze and use logical approaches in developing theories concerning a given course of action, and likes theories that makes sense. Pragmatists are substituted for converger (concrete experience), these people are interested in trying out new ideas to see if they work, they like getting things done rather than seeing ideas discussed and delayed for consideration, they stick with long term activiti es if it shows promise of working or being functional. Activists are substituted for accommodators (active experimentation), they are risk- takers, are willing to try new experiences and are open-minded to new things, enjoy challenges and are bored easily with long term activities. Learning takes place through a wide variety of methods and styles, which encourages an individual to challenge new ideas, views and beliefs. The effectiveness of this approach caters to the different learning styles each individual brings to the fore. There are a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds of different people and individuals that have opportunities to learn from their peers through discussions, debates and joint study. As a Social Care student applying learning styles, these helps service users learn by structuring what works for them which supports their learning and creates character. Service users are individuals that need motivation in order to learn, which in turn develop their learning styles to help them with problem solving, exploring new ideas and issues based on their intelligences. They have to make their learning a priority and the benefits of the learning styles help them to identify with their ability to learn, which gives them an outline on the effectiveness they have learned from experience. Learning styles determine the things people learn and the methods they use to learn them. The elements of these styles are to highlight the individuals preferred learning style which will equip them to choose learning opportunities that expands their knowledge to reflect, which improves ones learning and performance, by identifying what that individual had done well and what should be improved for that same individual to become an all-round learner, which in turn makes them a success for the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What is outsourcing Essay -- Globalization essays, research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Outsourcing? It is a method in which companies subcontract labor and support to outside agencies (Klepper, 1997). How, why, and who companies outsource to are quickly becoming social topics of discussion in our society. Everyone seems to have an opinion on outsourcing. I bet that I can walk into a social gathering right now and hear discussions like â€Å"outsourcing is good for the American consumer† or outsourcing takes jobs away from all of the hard working Americans.† In either case, outsourcing has raised great concerns over its effects on the American economy. In this paper, I will discuss the types of outsourcing, pros and cons associated with outsourcing, management views of outsourcing, employee views of outsourcing, and give my opinion of outsourcing. What does outsourcing do? It enables companies to focus on the mission at hand, to save money and be competitive. Depending on a Company’s needs determines the type of outsourcing that company may use (Embleton, 1998). Outsourcing is a very diverse market, and there are many different outsourcing options from. Two common types of outsourcing I will focus on are Information Technology (IT) outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) (Bowen, 1998). Through research, I found that Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing is a rapidly growing market. I.T. outsourcing enables companies to continue to manage their core business, while outside agencies manage their technology needs (Bowen, 1998). It’s a way of getting rid of those high paid, college graduated employees. I.T. outsourcing allows companies to use cost-cutting methods to cover computing needs, large mainframe and midrange data center, manage numerous networks and run desktops across the globe (Bowen, 1998). Advantages of outsourcing information technology include, but are not limited to, less capital expenditure, less management headache, and keeping focus on core competencies. Less capital expenditure means a company does not have to buy expensive hardware and software. Less management headache relieves companies of having to hire and manage accounting personnel. Keeping focus on core competencies affords companies’ time to strengthen and gain a competitive edge over the competition (DiRomualdo, 1998). Disadvantages of outsourcing information include less managerial control, may be more expensive, and Sec... ...Workers in developing nations will get new and higher-paying jobs, and consumers in the U.S. will be able to buy products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. But is this really good for our society. We will soon find out. References Bowen. T and LaMonica, M. (1998). IT gets picky with outsourcing. Infoworld 20(33), 1-3 De Rose, L. (2004). The Downside to Outsourcing. Electronic Buyers’ News. July 14, Issue 1066. DiRomualdo, A & Gurbaxani. (1998). Strategic intent for IT outsourcing. Sloan Management Review. 39(4), 115. Earl, M.J. (1996). The risks of outsourcing IT. Sloan Management Review. 37(3), 26-33. Embleton, P.R & Wright, P.C. (1998). A practical guide to successful outsourcing. Empowerment in Organizations. 6(3), 1-11 Hayes, R and Pisano, G. (1994). Beyond World-Class: The New Manufacturing Strategy. Harvard Business Review. 72(1). Klepper, R & Jones, W. (1997). Outsourcing information Technology, Systems and Services. Prentice Hall. Nicholas, J. (1998). Competitive Manufacturing Management (Singapore:McGraw-Hill). Chapter 19, Managing the Supply Chain, pg 672 Strassmann, P.A. (1995). Outsourcing: A Game for Losers. Computerworld. August 21.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Oprah is a name that needs no introduction Essay

Oprah is so well-known that she doesn’t even need a last name! Her early years in her career were influenced strongly by viewing Barbara Walters on The Today Show. She was a senior in high school when she entered a contest. Upon entering the contest she had to choose a career goal. Her choice was broadcast journalism because the other contestants chose to be a nurse and teacher. This choice turned out to be a very wise choice. She won the contest! This win landed her a job as a newscaster while still attending Tennessee State University. Although the stress of a job and college were taxing, Oprah loved the business and knew this was an actual viable option for her. This led Oprah to a job at Baltimore’s largest television station. She was at first on, then off, the evening news. She was then placed on an early morning interview show where she felt the click -This Is It! This is my future! Her obstacles were many. She was a woman, she was African-American, she was poor but she wasn’t a quitter. She knew to succeed meant to keep on her path and to not lose sight of her goal. She knew this by the time she was three or four years old. She knew that she would accomplish something spectacular. And indeed she has; she began hosting a television show in 1984 in Chicago which soon became syndicated. She knew that to remain successful and in a leadership position that she needed to purchase her show, in which she did. This led to many other ventures in her life such as the cable channel Oxygen and her magazine, O. She is so successful that she was acknowledged as the wealthiest African American woman in entertainment. Life Magazine also listed her in â€Å"The Most 100 Influential People of the 20th Century† in 1998. See more: how to write an introduction Oprah has become so influential because she is living proof that adversity can be overcome. Abuse can be overcome. Poverty and racism can be overcome. She is an icon to all of those that struggle. Her openness about her battle with her weight is just another avenue for people to connect with and be influenced by her. She’s open about her past, people relate to that. Influence is power, especially if you show the shoes that you have traveled in. She is an advocate for African Americans, women, children, poverty, and racism. She touches nearly everyone in some facet of their life. Oprah’s leadership style is ‘Lead By Example. We have watched her air her abuse stories on air as well as her weight problems. This humanizes her as well as openly shows that any weakness can become a strength if one perseveres. She never leads by letting others pave the way. She paves the way! She opens doors for education of minorities in impoverished countries that most of the world has chosen to forget. She also leads through compassion and conviction. What impresses me most about Oprah is she never allowed herself to â€Å"stay down. † She had always managed to overcome all of her personal and professional obstacles to achieve personal and professional success. She values her personal growth and success more, and there again, it shows that she is only human like the rest of us. Even if she were to become poor today, she would still keep trying to learn the life lessons that have made her strong and truly convicted in her belief system. Conversely, what I found unimpressive is her over-playing the race card at times. If she promotes a movie that is predominately African American, she is overly friendly and has even been noted to share some â€Å"private† moment on air that the rest of America may not understand. The favoritism toward these fellow African-Americans can sometimes be nauseating.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


The word Impossible Impossible is a word that has been used to describe a multitude of situations. People have been told forever that their dreams and ambitions were impossible; this has inspired greatness and made the world what it is today. Everyone that has achieved anything great has been told that their idea was impossible. Daymond John, like all successful entrepreneurs, inspired me by defying the odds of his time and never listening to the word impossible. Daymond John is the CEO and Founder of the world recognized clothing company FIJBU.He is from Queens, New York and from an era that was all about defying what the world's version of â€Å"impossible† was for him. He is a 44 year old African American that started a clothing company out of his house that has become a 317 million dollar company that has taken on the world and defied everyone that said his dreams were impossible. From a young age the word impossible is something I have always loved to defy I grew up in Ro ckwood Oregon and went to Reynolds Middle school where the majority of my friends and kids were apart of gangs and doing drugs.My teachers told me I was not smart enough to get out the there and that I would end up like everyone else eventually. My parents moved me to the opposite part of town where I kept my mentality that my dreams and aspirations were going to be impossible. Until a teacher I hated told me I was not going to be anything and I was determined to change my life eventually I Joined the United States Army. Before Joining the army I was told that I would not make it because of the physical demands they were going to ask of me and I was too defiant.I was determined to prove everyone wrong in four years I became a SGT and got over a 300 on my physical aptitude test also shot an expert after every qualification. The word impossible became my potential. I thrived in high stress environments. Even though from a young age I have been told that most of my ambitions were impos sible. I never believed them. My Father told me a story when I was growing up that his dad always told him: he was† living in a fantasy land† when my Father would alk about robots in the future.Now days my Father is a head engineer for Intel and works on robots all day. When my Father tells me my dreams are impossible I tell him â€Å"l am Just living in a fantasy land and want to show the world what is in it. † My interpretation stands that nothing is impossible if I am willing to put in the work to prove to the world, but most importantly myself, that I am able to do whatever I put my mind to.At the times when I find myself questioning if I am going to be able to omplete my dreams and if the word impossible is going to finally defeat me, I remember a quote by Muhammad Ali that one of my Drill Sergeants told me to remember: â€Å"Impossible is Just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world theyVe been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. â€Å"- Muhammad Ali Impossible By dougwilliamsmp

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Which Font Should You Use on Your Resume

Which Font Should You Use on Your Resume Individuals who are writing their resumes are swamped with a variety of fonts to choose from, including italic fonts, fonts with fancy curlicues and plain block fonts. Added to that confusion, the font size has to be chosen and resume writers want to find that perfect font that will impress the recruiter but is easy to read. Since you expend enough effort writing your resume and searching job classifieds, you don’t need to stress over what font to use. By using the following tips for the worst and best fonts to use, you can find an appropriate font to use for your resume and spend more time concentrating on that perfect content. CalibriCalibri may be a good choice for a resume for several reasons. It isn’t as commonly used as Arial and using Calibri 12-point will give you an easily read resume that is nicely laid out. Since a good-looking resume is your aim, Calibri may be a good choice.RELATED:Â  Revamp Your Resume: How to Choose FontsHelveticaHelvetica is a Swiss fon t that is highly favored by typographers and designers. It’s clean lines and clarity can be found in a number of corporate logos, including Microsoft. While it comes with Mac, you will have to purchase it as an extra font to use with your Windows program.GeorgiaThis is a traditional looking font and a good change from Times New Roman, which has been overused. Georgia gets a high score for readability, and it was designed to be read on a computer screen and works with both Windows and Mac.GaramondAnother good alternative to Times New Roman, Garamond looks like a classic style with a modern edge to it. It also lets you fit more onto a page without looking like the text is forced into too small a space. Garamond is definitely a good choice for a resume.CambriaIf you have Word, you may have noticed that Cambria is one of the fonts included with the program. Cambria is another font that was designed to be easily read on a computer screen and because of the letter construction, it works well for both printed and online resumes.Gill SansThis English font has been around for many years but was rediscovered and became popular again around 2000. The classic yet modern styling looks good in a resume and is available for Mac OS X and offers several versions in Microsoft Word.Times New RomanThis font is commonly used, but there are reasons to steer clear from it on a resume. One reason is that so many other people use it. Because they do, it won’t stand out from the rest of the applications. That’s reason enough to not use it. In addition, it can be difficult to read when you use a smaller type size.CourierSince Courier was designed to look like you typed it, that is reason enough to stay away from it. In addition, because of its monospacing, it can look a little strange when reading it since all the letters are spaced equally.Comic SansUnless you are applying for a job with a comic book company, leave Comic Sans to use another time. Comic Sans falls i nto the flashy, over-the-top category you should stay away from.Brush ScriptScript is a no-no to start with, but Brush Script is the worst. This font, designed in 1942, is sadly out of date compared to many other fonts and may date you as well if you use it.Choosing the right font can be an important consideration when writing a resume since you want your resume to look neat and easily readable without being too flashy. Searching for a job itself also requires consideration and there are numerous ways to conduct a job search such as checking out daily job ads. TheJobNetwork does the work for you, freeing your time for other pursuits while you search. After you fill out a list of your job interests and qualifications, TheJobNetwork goes to work around the clock to find job listings that might interest you and sends them to you as email alerts. Sign up with TheJobNetwork to get started.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Discuss the differing role of the therapeutic relationship in three Essay

Discuss the differing role of the therapeutic relationship in three different approaches to therapy - Essay Example g roles of the therapeutic relationship in three different approaches to therapy; namely, psychodynamic therapy, person-centered therapy, and systemic family therapy. Relevant theoretical concepts are included in the discussion, particularly how they are applied to practice. It also includes reflections on personal understanding of the topic as well as reaction to materials presented in the lectures. The psychodynamic therapy is a mainstream therapy that focuses on aspects of personality and is suited to problems that deal with personalities and current relationships (Holmes 2003). It is based on a multifaceted theory of human interaction and development and embraces all others of analytic nature. The approach undertaken in this therapy is one in which the therapist keeps his own personality out of the picture, which is considered a vital aspect, enabling him to play a â€Å"blank canvas† on whom clients can project deep feelings about themselves (ibid). The therapist is able to aid the client in understanding how personal disturbances affect him. The psychodynamic therapy is a long-term therapy that may go on for years since understanding what goes on inside the client takes a long period of time. In this paper, the role of psychodynamic therapy includes the following: Since psychodynamic therapy is a long-term therapy, the individual, through the help of the therapist, is able to view the things that affect his life and how largely it is affected. He helps in bringing to the surface an individual’s true feelings in order for a full understanding of the individual’s self. It is assumed that once one is aware of what really goes on in his mind; feelings about a painful experience will not come as painful. This is why the psychodynamic therapy’s role is to encourage patients unravel the real feelings playing up in their subconscious since through this unraveling, the client will be able to accept the painful experiences and their corresponding feelings. This

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) Essay

The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) - Essay Example The present political system of the state has been identified to have a major bearing upon the development of its socioeconomic position within the global context (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). PART 1 In relation to the geographical background, West Virginia is located in the Southern region of the US and surrounded by Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Maryland. With abundance of valuable resources to suffice the developmental needs of the state, the state has been able to grasp the attention of other neighboring states and territories within the US. From a historical perspective, the socioeconomic condition of West Virginia has long been witnessed to endure various difficulties and challenges with regard to the development of its demographics, income levels and employment statistics. Moreover, the population trends of the state can also be duly considered as one of the maj or and growing concerns towards the development of its economy. In relation to the socioeconomic development, the political conditions within the state can be recognized as more fragile in comparison to other US states. According to the present statistics, it can be apparently observed that a majority of the population, i.e. 90% are the Non-Hispanic Whites. Moreover, the present income level of the population has also been identified to face radical changes as compared to other US states. The per capita personal income of the population has been witnessed to prevail under the average income level of the other US states. West Virginia is presently standing at 50th position in respect to its economic stance in the US, which represents a slower movement of income level amid the population (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). The cultural background of West Virginia demonstrates the prevalen ce of friendly and helpful environment and the maintenance of a realistic culture that eventually attracts the attention of the global population (Barker, A Study of West Virginia Values and Culture†). PART 2 The most powerful political party in West Virginia can be viewed as the Democratic Party amid the other existing political parties within the state. Primarily, the political environment of the state consists of four independent political parties including Democratic, Libertarian, Mountain and Republican. Although the Republican Party proceeded over the origin of West Virginia, the Democratic Party has been leading the state from the last few decades with efficiency. This Democratic Party is regarded as the most renowned party in West Virginia because of its striving performance in satisfying the developmental needs of the state, rather than rendering prime focus on mitigating the influence of other political parties within the state. With regard to determine the political system efficacy of West Virginia, the Governor of the state can be viewed as the primary figure of the entire political system, irrespective of partisan affiliation (Brisbin 136-148). The US and the State legislature of the Democratic Party has been currently comprising 20 Governor Political Affiliations, 19 State Senate Majority Affiliations along with 22 State House Majority Affiliations and 22 State Attorney General Political Affilia